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by Luigi Santoro

L'arte si trova in un crocevia,

davanti all'aumento incessante della domanda

asiatica, Dubai si sta affermando come

placca tornante del mercato mondiale.

The black hole, the maelström, the unavoidable center of gravity, the axis on which revolves the whole Middle East: Dubai.

A worldwide financial landmark, as well as the most shining star of the Emirates, it has absorbed and reinvented a large part of the Western infrastructure and lifestyle, applying on that a typically Arabic and Middle Eastern philosophy.

Even the Art world couldn’t resist to Dubai’s charming presence and, on the other side, the Emiratines, admirers of every type of “excellence”, haven’t waited much to open their doors to Contemporary Art. Dubai is known as a worldwide center of attraction for tourism and businesses, but also as a link between East and West itself, and ultimately as an ideal platform to showcase the Far East trends.

Auction houses (the queen Christie’s), art fairs (Art Dubai) and art galleries filled the already lavish city skyline with other peaks of excellence.

In this background operates the Sconci Art Gallery, armed with dynamic and innovative projects, such as giving an eye to the newest tendencies regarding Western contemporary Art and the most symbolic art streams of the last decade, not forgetting the roots on which it rests, the Middle Eastern art.

The gallery offers a portfolio of established Italian, European and Middle Eastern artists and introduces a roster of up-and-coming artists.

The Sconci isn’t certainly the first gallery to set foot on the Dubai soil, and there is and interesting mix of local and international entrepreneurs that monopolizes the market of private sales.

The Sconci Art Gallery works around the frame of the Dubai Design District (@d3dubai on Instagram). She wants to begin a synergic relationship between the district and the gallery herself, creating the conditions to blend in: perfect synchrony and correspondence between work environment and the work itself. Selling art in a place that breathes art.

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